Tubes Radiatori

Полотенцесушители Tubes Radiatori MILANO

Код товара:82012
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Год производства
Antonia Astori, Nicola De Ponti
Sensuality and plasticity: these two distinctive traits are the basis of the planning idea of the Milano Free-standing radiator.‎ Its sinuous and sculptural body synthesizes the desire for formal experimentation in the field of the furnishing radiating element.‎ These are characteristics which make this an integrating and characterizing part of interior design in its most single meaning.‎ From isolated component of a purely formal connotation to a real instrument which defines spaces”.‎ AstoriDePontiAssociati

Milano Free-standing is a heating object characterized by a unique personality and by maximum versatility of use since it requires no installation.‎ Indeed, thanks to its freestanding nature, it can be positioned anywhere in a room, thereby becoming its undisputed protagonist.‎
Equipped with a special support at the base, it is distinguishes by the sculptural appearance and it is ideal for creating very effective compositive solutions, around which the interior project can be designed.‎ Milano Free-standing offers a wide range of furnishing possibilities, even outside the residential environment, and it is the ideal element that adds a touch of artistic elegance to any setting.‎
It is made of modular elements of 13x25,8 cm (height x maximum width) and it is available in over 260 finishes, besides the new transparent painted natural steel finish.‎
The high innovation level of design in Milano Free-standing is confirmed by the curators of the Die Neue Sammlung - The International Design Museum Munich, who have selected it for the design permanent collection of the museum.‎
Today Milano Free-standing becomes part of the new Plug&Play collection presented by Tubes on the occasion of the Salone del Mobile 2018.‎ This collection marks the starting point of the unprecedented concept of personal warmth: the heating objects, free from installation constraints, go beyond the static nature of architecture and open up to the human dimension which, by definition, is in constant movement and evolution.‎
Painted steel
All colours in the Tubes range, more than 260 RAL colours.‎
The power cable is in black fabric.‎
Power source:
Electric plug & play
Max 1000W

The Elements collection is the expression of a desire to eliminate stereotypes and pre-established industrial design processes.‎ In a society that is free from conditioning, objects - whatever kind they may be - can “release themselves” too; that is to say, they can eliminate technical aesthetics and undergo design modifications.‎ So freeing a radiator from its valves and position these at a distance of as much as six metres, thanks to a patented built-in unit, is equivalent to freeing it from its typical technical appearance.‎ This brings about new possibilities of interpretation of form according to aesthetic-intellectual rules that differ from previous ones.‎ For this reason, along with the Basics and Extras collections, the company introduced the Elements collection, created by architects and designers of international renown.‎ Elements becomes a “container of ideas” where the designers are called upon to create radiators that are more closely linked with the aesthetics of the home, where the sensual warmth of heating products is integrated into the architectural space with the same dignity and importance in project terms as other contemporary interior decoration elements.‎
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Полотенцесушители Tubes Radiatori MILANO

Полотенцесушители Tubes Radiatori MILANO

Код товара:82012

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