Inkiostro Bianco

Декоративная панель Inkiostro Bianco MAZE

Код товара:86455
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Lineadeko 2019
Под заказ
60x60 cm | 60x120 cm
Spessore/thickness: 12,5 / 15 mm
8,3 Kg/m2
Код товара:
Год производства
Multi-Layer Wood
Зеленый, Бежевый
Maze is a birch multilayer panels.‎
Maze / Maze EQ is the recommended combination for the selected design.‎

Conduttività termica (λ): 0,18 W/(mK)
Installation: glued down
Use: Covering
Production: Silk-screen digital printing

Birch is a highly resistant material.‎ The peculiar disposition of the layers in crossed fibers makes the panels stable and non-deformable, which is perfect for wallcovering use, even in the most difficult spaces, such as bathrooms and kitchens.‎ The resistance of birch wood across the fibers is 30% higher than other types of wood and, given equal thickness, ensures a better stability.‎ It is also one of the broad-leaved trees with the quickest regrowth, for this reason it ensures a more rational use of the forest resources.‎

lineadeko 2019 - A new way of living the everyday life
living, the multilayer birchwood becomes a real furnishing element.‎
lineadeko is the wallcovering that makes any room unique.‎ lineadeko panels are applicable as boiserie or as a full height wallcovering.‎ The designs are proposed in combination with a colour palette, to be used as a reference to match with the furniture and the eventual wall paint.‎
The living wooden material shows through signs and shapes of lineadeko decorative designs generating undeniable serenity and well-being sensations.‎ The concept of the ambient itself is renewed: the warmth of the wood unveils its nature raising amazing and repeated emotions.‎

The warmth and naturalness of wood generate undeniable well-being sensations.‎ Lineadeko, a conjugation of the wooden material
made even more precious by peculiar and refined artistic decorations, builds up a path that climbs vertically, thus reinventing the idea of wall and turning it into a furnishing element capable of creating out of the ordinary atmospheres.‎ A new concept of wall producing unique sensations.‎ Walls to be touched, lively and evocative, providing a new way of living the everyday life.‎
The innovative spirit of Inkiostro Bianco proposes a unique declination of the wooden material with a striking emotional impact.‎
Listone Giordano as technical partner in this project, is the keeper of ancient knowledge and techniques as well as a guaranteed excellence in woodworking while respecting natural resources.‎
Thanks to the harmonious perfection of Nature, the creative ability of Inkiostro Bianco and the experience and craftsmanship of Listone Giordano the collections of decorated birchwood surfaces come to life.‎ Lively surfaces take the rooms to a natural beauty to be appreciated, discovered and shared.‎
Lineadeko collection suggests a sensation of calm and relaxation in the soul of who is observing them.‎
Shapes and colours intertwine on the wooden weft of the birch surfaces.‎ Soft lines and geometries alternate and add a special touch to the atmospheres of the rooms.‎ Lineadeko is enriched by new graphic designs and combines a new size 60x60 to the boiserie panelling to create an infinite range of possible decorative combinations, which make living rooms and bathrooms irresistible.‎ This is a new decorative concept proposing an unusual application, a wallcovering on which the colour respects the naturalness of the surface by preserving the effect of birchwood and its pleasant touch.‎
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Приобретая товары известных брендов, вы можете быть уверенными в их безукоризненном функционале. Вся продукция, которая представлена на сайте корпорации STS, соответствует самым жестким европейским стандартам качества и экологической безопасности. Она изготавливается на высокотехнологичном оборудовании из безупречного материала с ориентацией на современные тренды и многовековые национальные традиции мебельщиков.
Гарантия от производителя
Вся продукция получает гарантию от производителя на срок от 2 до 150 лет. Если при надлежащей эксплуатации на товаре проявляется дефект, в возникновении которого виноват производитель, он бесплатно заменяется на новый.
Вся продукция продаваемая STS, является оригинальной и соответствует спецификациям.
Декоративная панель Inkiostro Bianco MAZE

Декоративная панель Inkiostro Bianco MAZE

Код товара:86455

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